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Add, edit, or remove a product category

For more information, see Product categories.

Add a product category
  1. Go to Self Service > Categories.

  2. Click Create Category.

  3. Enter a category Name.

    For example, Publishing:

  4. Choose one:

    1. Select an FA Icon for the category:

    2. Or, disable the FA icon and instead upload a custom icon:

  5. Click Save.

    The category is created and its Groups tab becomes available.

  6. Link a category to a group for each group that should have access to this category's products.

  7. Link a category to a product for each product that should be in this category.

  1. Go to Self Service > Categories.

  2. For the relevant product category, click Edit.

  3. Continue by following the instructions in Add a product category.

  1. Go to Self Service > Categories.

  2. For the relevant product category, click Delete.

  3. To confirm, click Delete.