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Resolve a blocked import

For more information, see Blocked imports.

  1. Go to Source > Systems.

  2. Choose one of the following strategies:

    1. If you do not want to proceed with the import (e.g., a source threshold was reached because of an actual error in the external source system's data):

      1. Fix personnel data in the external source system as needed.

      2. Run a manual import for the source system.

      3. If the re-run import is within the configured thresholds, the blocked import is canceled (removed entirely) and the new import runs as normal.

    2. If you do want to proceed with the import (e.g., the block is a false alarm):

      1. Click Approve Import for the relevant source system.

      2. Click Yes to confirm.


        The import now proceeds as normal.

    3. Alternatively, increase your Thresholds and then Run a manual import for the relevant source system.

      If the re-run import is within the configured thresholds, the blocked import is canceled (removed entirely) and the new import runs as normal.