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Microsoft Exchange via WS-Federation application setup

You can use HelloID as an Identity Provider (IdP) for Microsoft Exchange, using WS-Federation (Web Services Federation).

This configuration requires communication with Tools4ever support.

  • HelloID environment

  • Exchange 2016 or 2019 environment with full administrative rights

Create or import a certificate
  1. Import a trusted certificate into HelloID. Name it Exchange. (If you aren't able to use a trusted certificate, then instead create or import a self-signed certificate. In this case, you will need to add the self-signed certificate as a trusted root certificate on all CAS servers. We recommend using a trusted certificate if possible.)

  2. Download the certificate as a DER Encoded binary X.509 (.CER) file.

  3. Save the .CER file to the Exchange server and make note of its location. You will need it shortly.

  4. Download the certificate as a Personal Information Exchange (.PFX) file.

  5. Supply it to Tools4ever support. Tools4ever will convert the .PFX certificate into a format compatible with the Exchange server, and send you a copy.

  6. When you receive the converted certificate, import it into HelloID. Name it Exchange WS-Federation.

    Note: This is required to be without -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----.

    Ignore any certificate errors.

Application setup
  1. Open the HelloID application catalog.

  2. Add the Generic WS Federation application.

General tab
  • For the Default Login URL, enter your Outlook Web Access URL. For example:

Single Sign On tab
  1. For the Realm field, enter your Outlook Web Access URL. For example:

  2. For the Endpoint URL field, enter your Outlook Web Access URL. For example:

  3. For the X509 Certificate field, select the Exchange WS-Federation certificate you received from Tools4ever support.

  4. Save the application.

Change mappings
  1. Edit the mapping set of the new WS Federation application.

  2. Select the Change mappings link.

  3. Remove all existing mappings.

  4. Add a mapping for {{user.immutableId}} > Primary Sid.

  5. Add a mapping for {{user.contactEmail}} > Upn.

  6. Add additional custom mappings as desired.

  7. Select the Set Identifier link.

  8. Remove the existing mapping.

  9. Add a mapping for {{user.contactEmail}} > Name ID.

  10. Select the Close link, and then select the Save button.

Exchange server configuration
  1. Install the certificate you previously copied to the Exchange server.

  2. Open the Certificates snap-in.

  3. Double-click the added certificate.

  4. Select the Details tab.

  5. Select the Thumbprint field and copy its hex value.

  6. Create a new PowerShell script on your Exchange server. Paste the following code into it:

    $issuer = "https://{location}{tenant_id}/{application_guid}"
    $audience = "https://{exchange}/owa/","https:// {exchange}/ecp/"
    $cert = '{thumbprint}'
    Set-OrganizationConfig -AdfsIssuer $issuer -AdfsAudienceUris $audience -AdfsSignCertificateThumbprint $cert
    Get-EcpVirtualDirectory | Set-EcpVirtualDirectory -AdfsAuthentication $true -BasicAuthentication $false -DigestAuthentication $false -FormsAuthentication $false -WindowsAuthentication $false
    Get-OwaVirtualDirectory | Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -AdfsAuthentication $true -BasicAuthentication $false -DigestAuthentication $false -FormsAuthentication $false -WindowsAuthentication $false
  7. Replace $issuer with the value provided by Tools4ever along with your converted certificate.

  8. Set $audience according to your Exchange environment.

  9. Set $cert to the value of the Thumbprint you copied earlier.

  10. Restart the Exchange webservices according to the PowerShell output.

Exchange control panel

If you would like to add the Exchange control panel as an additional application in HelloID, repeat the steps in the Application setup section, above. Set the application's Default Login URL, Realm, and Endpoint URL to the Exchange control panel URL.