
Use groups to organize your Users, and mediate access to various other resources in HelloID, including Applications, Products, Delegated forms, and Roles.
Groups can contain other groups, which allows for hierarchical organization. Sub-groups inherit all settings from the parent group. See Link a group to a group.
Local groups
Local groups are analogous to Local users. They are created in HelloID using the Add a local group workflow or the API.
In Directory > Groups, their Source is Local

Synced groups
Synced groups are analogous to Synced users. They are created in HelloID via Directory sync or the JIT feature of a configured IdP.
Typically, most of an organization's HelloID groups will be synced groups (e.g., from Microsoft Active Directory or Google Workspace).
In Directory > Groups, their Source is the name of the directory system or IdP they came from. For example, the AD domain name (e.g.,, or AzureAD.