View product request history
Go to Self Service > Request History.
The history of all Product requests is displayed.
Optional: To filter requests by Request State, click the Request State button.
To view details for a specific product request, click
View Details.
For example:
The following information is shown:
Product: The Name of the requested product.
Resource Owner(s): The Resource Owner of the requested product.
Requested For: The user that the product was requested for.
Usually the same as the user that the product was requested by, but may be different if the product was requested via the Request a product on behalf or Request an owned product on behalf process.
Requested By: The user that requested the product.
Request State: The current state of the Product request lifecycle. Possible states include:
Requested: The request was successfully submitted, but has not yet been sent to designated responders.
Pending Approval (aka Pending): The request is waiting to be approved or denied by designated responders.
Approved (aka Assigned, aka Success): The request was approved and the user now has the product.
Denied: The request was denied and the user does not have the product.
Returned: The product associated with the request has been returned and the user no longer has it.
Withdrawn: The request was canceled before it was approved or denied.
(Blank): There is no status for, or access to, the product.
Task State: The state of the task(s) attached to the product, if any. Possible states include:
Completed: All tasks configured for product request states prior to the current Request State have executed successfully.
Failed: At least one task did not execute successfully, in a product request state up to and including the current Request State.
Request Timeline tab: Shows the request's entire history, and the Designated responders who are next in line to approve it.
Task Execution tab: See View product task run history.
Form Data tab: Shows the submitted form values associated with the product request, if applicable.