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Contribute to GitHub

Create a new GitHub repository

  1. Create a new repository, using the Repo naming conventions.

  2. Add a description to the repository, in the format Connected system - Repository function. For example: Google G Suite - Target for a G Suite target Provisioning connector, or Active Directory - Show user details for a delegated form that looks up an AD user. The description should be about the connected system and the specific function of the repository, rather than which HelloID module or feature is involved.

  3. Add the following footer to

    # HelloID Docs
    The official HelloID documentation can be found at:
  4. If the repository isn't currently usable, temporarily add [Work in progress] to both:

    • The repository's description

    • The header of

  5. Commit your files to the repository.

  6. Remove the [Work in progress] notices as soon as the repository is usable.

Update a GitHub repository

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Make the required changes and updates locally.

  3. Commit your files only when they are working and tested. If you must commit files which aren't usable, temporarily add [Work in progress] to both:

    • The repository's description

    • The header of

  4. Include a comment clearly describing your commit.

  5. Remove the [Work in progress] notices as soon as the repository is usable.