Task: E-SSOM sync
This task synchronizes the credentials from E-SSOM to HelloID. It takes the credentials which are stored in E-SSOM and transfers them to the HelloID applications. The task will only synchronize the applications in HelloID that have the same name as in E-SSOM.
Name | Description | Type | Example | Application |
apiKey | The apiKey is the key of the api in HelloID. We use this key to make a connection to the HelloID environment. You could compare this to a username for logging in. The Set Up will explain where to find the apiKey. | string | CVAVRAMVLZNJAWMAVEXDAMUWYQLWATXQ | HelloID |
apiSecret | The apiSecret is the secret of the api in HelloID. We use this secret to make a connection to the HelloID environment. You could compare this to a password for logging in. The Set Up will explain where to find the apiSecret. | string | HpNShdaXMGLLYkdzGyqsntmRbDXaqQUT | HelloID |
ESSOMUrl | The ESSOMUrl is an address where we can connect to. Most of the time it is the server name plus the domain name. | string | https://{server}.{domain}.local | E-SSOM |
ESSOMSecret | The ESSOMSecret is the password which is needed to connect to the E-SSOM webserver. | string | E$$0M$ECrET | E-SSOM |