Task: Nedap Ons Sync
Nedap Certificate for accessing the Nedap API
HelloID configured API
The ‘Nedap Ons Sync’ task can be used to synchronize the users, teams, and the assignments from Nedap. For each Nedap team, a group will be created in HelloID and the users who are assigned to a Nedap team will be added to the group in HelloID. If the user or team is removed from Nedap, the Sync will disable or remove the user or group from HelloID. The same applies to the assignments. If an assignment is removed from Nedap the assignment in HelloID will also be removed.
Task Variables (Nedap Ons Sync)
Name | Description | Type | Example | Comment |
HelloID ApiKey | The key value of a HelloID API key. | String | TYZAJTCEWBVBJXEPSFNXUVUBYEAJPPLA | |
HelloID ApiSecret | The secret value of a HelloID API key | String | dZqAfxYzLpethsgrzzwLgAVyDXcDSurG | |
Delete from HelloID | Delete obsolete users or groups from HelloID | Boolean | "True" or "False" | Choose if the obsolete users or groups will be removed or disabled in HelloID |
Default password new user HelloID | The default password for newly created users in HelloID | String | W@lk3Me00!1 | |
Nedap identifier to create HelloId Users | Nedap Identifier to create HelloID users | String | "Username", "EmploymentID" or "ContactEmail | At the moment the Task is only suitable with EmploymentID! Must match the value from the example The Identifier indicates which Nedap property will be used for the username in HelloID |
Nedap Certificate path (.PFX) | The full path to the .pfx location | String | D:\Nedap\Cert\Nedap_test.pfx | Must be accessible by the agent |
Nedap Certificate password | The password of the pfx file | String | MN8j9m9mu9umaz281sx21 | |
Nedap URL | Nedap CustomerURL | String | https://api-staging.ons.io | |
Get Only Active Teams from Nedap | Get Only the active Teams from Nedap | Boolean | "True" or "False" |
Release notes
Date | Version | Description |
2020-06-22 | 1.1.0 | Added a switch for excluding the inactive Nedap Teams in the sync. Updated Disable-HidGroup with error handling and UTF-8 support |
2019-08-01 | 1.0.2 | Updated the Nedap-Ons web requests with Tls12 |
2019-05-02 | 1.0.1 | Fixed bug in the contract validation. Included the last day of the contract. |
2019-02-14 | 1.0.0 | The initial creation of Task |