View product task run history
These instructions only apply to PowerShell product tasks. To view task run history for pre-defined or scheduled tasks, instead see View task run history.
Go to Self Service > Request History, to View product request history.
View Details to view details for a specific product request.
Go to the Task Execution tab.
The results of any Product tasks attached to the product are shown.
For the relevant product task run, choose one of the following:
View Log: Shows the following four tabs.
Audit Logging tab: Shows audit log messages logged in the PowerShell task, if applicable (see Audit logging in PowerShell product tasks).
Task Logging tab: Shows task log messages logged in the PowerShell task, if applicable (see Logging in PowerShell product tasks).
Notifications tab: Shows email sends in the PowerShell task, if applicable (see Email sends in PowerShell product tasks).
Form Data tab: Shows the submitted form values associated with the product request, if applicable.
Mark As Succeeded: See Mark a product task as succeeded.
Retry: See Retry a product task run.