Task: Send SMS
With this functionality, you will be able to send SMS to phone numbers. Some SMS providers have already been specified. If your provider isn’t SMSAPI, MessageBird or Twilio you can still use the custom provider.
Name | Description | Type | Example | Screenshot |
From | The sender name of the number. | String | {from} | 1 |
To | The receiver of the SMS. | String | {+31612345678} | 2 |
Message | The message which will be sent via SMS. | String | Hello, this is a text message | 3 |
Uri | The uri, which needs to be connected | String | https://messageprovider.url | 4 |
Username | The username, which will be used to connect if needed. | String | {usernameIfNecessary} | 5 |
Password | The password, which will be used to connect if needed. | String | {passwordIfNecessary} | 6 |
Use basic authentication | A switch to specify whether the basic authentication will be used with a custom provider. | Boolean | $true | 7 |
Use headers for authentication | A switch specifying whether the headers will be used for authentication with a custom provider. | Boolean | $false | 8 |
Body as JSON | A switch to specify that the body will be converted to JSON type with a custom provider. | Boolean | $true | 9 |
Custom variables | A JSON which contains variables that will be used if a custom provider has been selected. | Json | { "ObjectData": [ { "key": "Key1", "value": "Value1" }, { "key": "key2", "value": "Value2" } ] } | 10 |
Provider | The provider which will be used for sending the SMS. | String | MessageBird/SMSAPI/Twilio/Custom | 11 |
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