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The correlation feature matches 1 person object with N target accounts that already exist in the target system. This helps to eliminate duplicate target accounts, and to prevent them from being created in the future.

To get started, Configure correlation.

Correlation works by matching a chosen field in the Person schema (Person Correlation Field) with a matching field in the target account schema (Account Correlation Field). Then, when an Account entitlement is granted to a person during the Grant step, HelloID checks if an account with a matching value already exists in the target system. If yes, no account is granted. Instead, the person is correlated with the existing target account, and the existing target account is updated with the data in the person object.

To say it again, correlation only writes data to target accounts when a new account entitlement is being granted during the Grant step of enforcement. Correlation does not write any data to correlated target accounts during the Update step.

After enabling and configuring correlation, Generate report to automatically detect and correlate matching accounts. Then, optionally Manually correlate account to correlate any accounts which weren't automatically detected (e.g., accounts that had a wrong or missing value for the Account Correlation Field).


If multiple target accounts have a matching value, HelloID correlates all of them to the relevant person.


The Person aggregation feature is loosely related to correlation. The difference is that whereas correlation matches 1 person object to N target accounts, person aggregation matches N employees from raw personnel data to 1 person object.