Task: Nedap Ons synchronize authorization profiles to products
Nedap Certificate for accessing the Nedap API
HelloID configured API
The ‘Nedap Ons Has product sync’ task will create selfservice products for access to Nedap Ons authorization.
Task Variables (Nedap Ons synchronize authorization profiles to products)
Name | Description | Type | Example | Comment |
HelloID ApiKey | The key value of a HelloID API key. | String | TYZAJTCEWBVBJXEPSFNXUVUBYEAJPPLA | |
HelloID ApiSecret | The secret value of a HelloID API key | String | dZqAfxYzLpethsgrzzwLgAVyDXcDSurG | |
Nedap Certificate path (.PFX) | The full path to the .pfx location | String | D:\Nedap\Cert\Nedap_test.pfx | Must be accessible by the agent |
Nedap Certificate password | The password of the pfx file | String | MN8j9m9mu9umaz281sx21 | |
Nedap URL | Nedap CustomerURL | String | https://api-staging.ons.io | |
Default HelloID product manager | The name of the user which will be the product manager | String | j.doe |
Release notes
Date | Version | Description |
17-07-2019 | 1.0.0 | The initial creation of Task |