Task: Update TOPdesk change
TOPdesk 3.0.x environment
This task will update a change in TOPdesk.
System variables (Update TOPdesk change)
For this task a system configuration can be made. At ‘Automation’ -> ‘Systems’ -> ‘Create System’ select TOPdesk. Specify a valid TOPdesk URI, TOPdesk username and a TOPdesk password. For this task it is also possible to specify these values in the task editor, this will overwrite the system settings.
Name | Description | Type | Example | Comment |
TOPdesk System | The system variables which contain URI, Username and Password | List | TOPdesk | Configure these settings before running the task at ‘Automation’->’Systems’. |
TOPdesk URL | The TOPdesk URL | List | topdesk.enyoi.org | Specify the TOPdesk URL. If specified the URL from the system settings is ignored |
Username | Specify a username to make the call | String | j.doe | Specify the TOPdesk username. If specified the username from the system settings is ignored |
Password | Specify a password for the username | String | Password123! | Specify the TOPdesk password for the username specified. If specified the password from the system settings is ignored |
Change Number | Specify the change number | String | W0001 001 | Mandatory parameter to identity the change you wish to update. This value is sensitive for spaces and has to match the exact value. |
Requester Email | Specify the requester email | String | j.doe@enyoi.org | Optional parameter to change the requester/caller of the change |
Request | Specify the name of the request | String | New laptop | Optional parameter to add requests to the change |
Action | Specify the action | String | Order new laptop | Optional parameter to specify the action of the change |
Status | Specify the status | String | Rejected | Optional parameter to specify the status. Only existing values can be set. |
Operator | Specify if it is an operator | Switch | ‘On’ or ‘Off’ | If set to ‘On’ the incident will be created as an operator. If set to ‘Off’ the incident will be created as a person. Please note that valid credentials are needed for both options |