Target systems

Target systems are the end point of the provisioning process. They are the systems and/or applications in which HelloID creates user accounts and their associated entitlements during Enforcement, based on your Persons and Business rules.
To get started, add a target system:
The PowerShell target system connector is the "catch-all." It permits universal compatibility with nearly any target system, even in-house or proprietary systems.
Tools4ever maintains a library of pre-written scripts to help you quickly set up common PowerShell target systems such as Google Workspace, Blackboard, TOPdesk, etc. See Provisioning GitHub resources.
The statistics reported in the tiles on the Target Systems page include all entitlement actions performed during all enforcements in the last 24 hours, combined. If there were no enforcements in the last 24 hours, the statistics include only the most recent enforcement. The percentages and ratios represent the proportion of successful entitlement actions vs. attempted entitlement actions. These statistics are updated in real time.