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Recertification requests


Recertification requires a Governance module license.

If you're a user, a manager, or a product owner, a HelloID administrator may assign you as a designated responder for certain products. In this case, you will be responsible for approving or denying product requests.

This may include recertification requests. Recertification requests are triggered by recertification campaigns which can be launched to re-evaluate previously approved product requests.

Recertification requests that are awaiting your approval are listed in the recertification requests overview.


You must have the HelloID Recertification - Recertify right and be member of the configured recertifcation campaign access group in order to view recertification requests.


This feature is available as a beta release. Recertification requests triggered by Multiple Assignments or Conflicting Products campaigns are not yet included.

  1. Go to Recertification > Requests.

  2. Click Open Details to view the details of a specific request.

  3. Click Approve or Deny to confirm or revoke access to the product for the user. If you approve, the user will still have access to the product. If you deny, the product will be returned.