Task: Update Facebook Workplace user
Facebook Workplace environment
This task will update a user in the Facebook workplace.
Name | Description | Type | Example | Comment |
Facebook workplace token | The authentication token which can be found in the custom integrations at https://workplace.facebook.com/work/admin/?section=apps. | String | DQVJzck5Ud3hyd3JyVTJOZA2ZA3U2x0ZA0lUVkxBUXd | |
Username | The username which will be used for the account. | String | {UserName}@{Domain} | |
First name | The first name of the user. | String | John | If filled in, the attribute of the user will be updated. |
Last name | The last name of the user. | String | Doe | If filled in, the attribute of the user will be updated. |
Email address | An extra email address of the user. | String | If filled in, the attribute of the user will be updated. | |
Phone number | The phone number of the user. | String | +31612345678 | If filled in, the attribute of the user will be updated. If you want to update the phone number, please use the country code. |
Active | Specify if the new user will be active. | Boolean | True | True or False |