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Special unmerge scenarios
Non-main person removed from source system

If a merged non-main person is removed from its origin source system, the person will be retained in the merge set for 5 snapshots as long as at least one other non-main person remains in the merge set. During this period, the non-main person is labeled as Missing.


Person ExternalIds for these non-main persons are retained for 5 snapshots. If the merge set is removed within this period, all non-main persons are restored with their original person ExternalId. If the merge set is removed after this period, non-main persons are restored with different ExternalIds.


If a merged main person is removed, you receive an Unmerge or Replace Main Person suggestion. See Unmerge/replace suggestions.

Source system removed

If you Remove a source system which has merged persons, those persons are removed from their associated merge sets. Any merge sets with zero remaining non-main persons are removed entirely.

If the source system is re-added within the next 5 snapshots, all affected merge sets will be restored to their prior state. After 5 snapshots, the merge sets will not be restored.