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Unmerge/replace suggestions

If a merged main person is removed from its origin source system, you receive an Unmerge or Replace Main Person suggestion on the Suggestions tab.

To resolve an Unmerge or Replace Main Person suggestion, Resolve unmerge/replace suggestions.


If a merged non-main person is removed, you do not receive an unmerge suggestion. For more information about this situation, see Non-main person removed from source system.

For example, assume we have the following merge set, in which Bernard and Carlos (non-main) have been merged into Victoria (main):


If Victoria is removed from her origin source system, we receive the following Unmerge or Replace Main Person suggestion (which is also shown on the Manual tab):


In this situation, Victoria (missing main) is retained in the in-production Persons, but temporarily excluded (marked Skip Processing; see Exclusions) until you Resolve unmerge/replace suggestions.
