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Compare a person across snapshots

For more information, see Persons and Source snapshots.

  1. Go to Source > Snapshots.

  2. Select a snapshot in the Snapshots pane.

  3. Click the 2022-04-08_14-18-44.png Persons Details button in the Information tab.

  4. Select the relevant person in the Persons pane.

  5. Persons fields that changed in this snapshot (compared to the previous snapshot) are displayed in the Differences pane.


    An Added icon indicates that the person was newly added to the current snapshot and did not exist in the previous snapshot.

  6. Optional: Select the 2022-04-08_14-27-55.png Filter button to filter Persons by Added, Deleted, Changed, or Aggregated (see Person aggregation) status, relative to the previous snapshot.



To perform the inverse operation: Compare snapshots across a person.