Task: Import CSV to HelloID users
HelloID Configured Api
This task can import users in HelloID from a custom CSV file (Like a CSV file from the HR application). It creates new users whether the user does not exist and updates the user if the user already exists, based on the username.
You have to specify the headers of each column you want to add from your CSV file. If the column name does not fit a default column in the Task overview, you can add the header in OtherAttributes and the task will add them as User-attributes.
Note: Only the Username variable is mandatory the rest of the variables are optional!
Example CSV import file:
username,enabled,EmailAddress,firstname,GiveName,phoneNumber,EmployeeID,UserSource,ExtraType csvtest1,true,[email protected],Joe,Doe,0632165498,111,csv,Private csvtest2,false,[email protected],John,West,0632112398,222,csv,Business CsvTest3,true,[email protected],Mary,Long,0631235498,3333,csv,Business
Name | Description | Type | Example | Comment |
HelloID API Key | The key value of a HelloID API key. | String | TYZAJTCEWBVBJXEPSFNXUVUBYEAJPPLA |
HelloID API secret | The secret value of a HelloID API key | String | dZqAfxYzLpethsgrzzwLgAVyDXcDSurG |
Csv File | The full path to the .csv location | string | C:\CSVInport.csv | Must be accessible by the HelloID service agent |
Csv delimiter | The delimiter in the csv file | String | , | Specify the character which is the delimiter in the csv file |
UserName column | The header of the username column in the CSV file | String | Username | The parameter is mandatory! |
Enable all accounts | Enable or Disable the HelloID Account | Boolean | "True" or "False" | If Enabled this will overrule the "Enabled Column" in the CSV file |
Enabled column | The header of the enabled column in the CSV file | String | Enabled | Only Applies when "Enable all accounts" is not true |
Default password | Specify a default password for the newly created accounts | String | Xxd343fnn98az12 | If no password is given the account will be created without a password. |
All users must change password | Enable or Disable that the user must change the password at first login | Boolean | "True" or "False" | |
First name column | The header of the FirstName column in the CSV file | String | FirstName | |
Last name column | The header of the LastName column in the CSV file | String | GiveName | |
Email column | The header of the Email column in the CSV file | String | EmailAddress | |
Phone number column | The header of the PhoneNumber column in the CSV file | String | Phone | |
Employee ID column | The header of the EmployeeID column in the CSV file | String | EmployeeID | |
SamAccountName column | The header of the SamAccountName column in the CSV file | String | SamAccountName | |
AD SID column | The header of the AD SID column in the CSV file | String | ADSID | |
Other attributes | The header(s) of other attributes column(s) in the CSV file | String | UserSource;ExtraType | To add additional columns from you CSV as user attributes in HelloID, You can specify the headers with the character ";" as delimiter, as shown in the example |
Grant all users default role(s) | Grant all users the default role(s) in HelloID | Boolean | "True" or "False" | |
Roles column | The header of the Roles column in the CSV file | String |