Task: Nedap Ons Remove authorization profile
Nedap Certificate for accessing the Nedap API
HelloID configured API
The ‘Nedap Ons Has product sync’ task will remove an Nedap Ons authorization profile from a Nedap Ons user.
Task Variables (Nedap Ons Remove authorization profile)
Name | Description | Type | Example | Comment |
HelloID ApiKey | The key value of a HelloID API key. | String | TYZAJTCEWBVBJXEPSFNXUVUBYEAJPPLA | |
HelloID ApiSecret | The secret value of a HelloID API key | String | dZqAfxYzLpethsgrzzwLgAVyDXcDSurG | |
Nedap Certificate path (.PFX) | The full path to the .pfx location | String | D:\Nedap\Cert\Nedap_test.pfx | Must be accessible by the agent |
Nedap Certificate password | The password of the pfx file | String | MN8j9m9mu9umaz281sx21 | |
Nedap URL | Nedap CustomerURL | String | https://api-staging.ons.io | |
Nedap authorization profile name | The name of the Nedap authorization profile | String | Administration | |
HelloID userguid | The GUID of the HelloID user. | String | 179aee1c-07b1-400a-ab03-3dec2b6ad275 | Choose between using the userGuid or the username |
HelloID username | The username of the HelloID user | String | Choose between using the userGuid or the username |
Release notes
Date | Version | Description |
17-07-2019 | 1.0.0 | The initial creation of Task |