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Person aggregation scenarios

There are several key scenarios in person aggregation:

Manual merge

The manual merge scenario applies when you Manually merge persons.

  1. All Contracts of non-main persons are moved to the main person.

  2. All Entitlements of non-main persons remain in target systems, but are unmanaged by HelloID (see Unmanage).

  3. Any entitlements that were granted to non-main persons via Contract conditions are granted to the main person.

Manual unmerge

The manual unmerge scenario applies when you Manually unmerge persons.

  1. Any Contracts that had been moved to the main person are returned to the non-main persons.

  2. Any Entitlements that had been granted to the main person via Contract conditions are revoked (see Revoke) from the main person and re-granted (see Grant) to the non-main person.


    Since the original entitlements belonging to non-main persons were unmanaged during the merge, the re-grant step may create duplicate entitlements in target systems (e.g., duplicate accounts). To re-correlate accounts, Re-correlate a non-main person's target account.

  3. If at any point you replaced the main person, the following also occurs:

    1. All entitlements that were transferred are returned to the original person.

    2. All audit logs (see View a person's audit logs) that were transferred are returned to the original person.

    3. All person history (see View a person's history) that was transferred is returned to the original person.

Merge suggestion approved

The merge suggestion approved scenario applies when you Approve merge suggestions.

  1. All Contracts of non-main persons are moved to the main person.

  2. All Entitlements of non-main persons remain in target systems, but are unmanaged by HelloID (see Unmanage).

  3. Any entitlements that were granted to non-main persons via Contract conditions are granted to the main person.

  4. If you replace the main person while approving the merge suggestion, the following also occurs:

    1. All entitlements that were granted to the old main person via non-contract conditions are granted to the new main person.

    2. All audit logs (see View a person's audit logs) of the old main person are moved to the new main person.

    3. All person history (see View a person's history) of the old main person is moved to the new main person.

Unmerge/replace suggestion resolved by unmerging

The unmerge/replace suggestion resolved by unmerging scenario applies when you Resolve unmerge/replace suggestions by unmerging.

  1. Any Contracts that had been moved to the main person are returned to the non-main persons.

  2. Any Entitlements that had been granted to the main person via Contract conditions are revoked (see Revoke) from the main person and re-granted (see Grant) to the non-main person.


    Since the original entitlements belonging to non-main persons were unmanaged during the merge, the re-grant step may create duplicate entitlements in target systems (e.g., duplicate accounts). To re-correlate accounts, Re-correlate a non-main person's target account.

  3. If at any point you replaced the main person, the following also occurs:

    1. All entitlements that were transferred are returned to the original person.

    2. All audit logs (see View a person's audit logs) that were transferred are returned to the original person.

    3. All person history (see View a person's history) that was transferred is returned to the original person.

Unmerge/replace suggestion resolved by replacing

The unmerge/replace suggestion resolved by replacing scenario applies when you Resolve unmerge/replace suggestions by replacing the main person.

  1. All Entitlements that were granted to the missing main person are granted to the new main person.

  2. All audit logs (see View a person's audit logs) of the missing main person are moved to the new main person.

  3. All person history (see View a person's history) of the missing main person are moved to the new main person.

Automatic merge
Automatic merge (automatic transfer disabled)

The automatic merge (automatic transfer disabled) scenario applies when Automatic merges occur, and Automatic transfer is disabled.

  1. All Contracts of the newly-added person are moved to the existing main person.


No entitlement actions occur in this scenario, because newly-imported persons do not have any entitlements.

Automatic merge (automatic transfer enabled)

The automatic merge (automatic transfer enabled) scenario applies during Automatic merges when Automatic transfer is enabled and occurs.

  1. All Contracts of the old main person are moved to the new main person (i.e., the newly-imported person).

  2. All Entitlements that were granted to the old main person remain in target systems, but are unmanaged by HelloID (see Unmanage).

  3. All entitlements that were granted to the old main person are granted to the new main person.

  4. All audit logs (see View a person's audit logs) of the old main person are moved to the new main person.

  5. All person history (see View a person's history) of the old main person is moved to the new main person.

Main person manually replaced

The main person manually replaced scenario applies when you Manually replace a main person in a merge set.

  1. All Contracts of the old main person are moved to the new main person.

  2. All Entitlements that were granted to the old main person remain in target systems, but are unmanaged by HelloID (see Unmanage).

  3. All entitlements that were granted to the old main person are granted to the new main person.

  4. All audit logs (see View a person's audit logs) of the old main person are moved to the new main person.

  5. All person history (see View a person's history) of the old main person is moved to the new main person.