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Noordhoff-Health PulseWeb SAML application setup

This article demonstrates how to set up HelloID and PulseWeb for single sign-on using the SAML protocol. The configuration takes place in HelloID and requires you to send information to PulseWeb (Noordhoff-Health).

  • HelloID environment

  • PulseWeb environment

  • PulseWeb charges a fee for SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On functionality: A one-time setup fee of €1,750, and an annually recurring fee of €400 thereafter.

  • Additional changes beyond the initial SSO implementation may incur additional fees.

Create or import a certificate

If there is no certificate yet, a certificate must be imported or created. For this tutorial, we will use a self-signed certificate. Create one before proceeding and name it PulseWebSelfSigned.

Application setup
Add the PulseWeb application

Go to Applications > Applications and select the Open application catalog button. Find the template for PulseWeb (SAML) and select its Add button. Learn more about managing applications here.

General tab

On the General tab, replace the Default Login URLwith your PulseWeb login URL. This is in the format https://{customer_environment}.nl.Optionally, add a description.


Select the Next button.

Single Sign-on tab

On the Single Sign-On tab, perform the following steps:

  1. Name ID format


  2. Issuer

    Your HelloID portal URL, e.g.,

  3. Endpoint/ACS URL

    The URL of your PulseWeb endpoint, e.g., https://{customer_environment}.nlsaml2/{customer_name}

  4. Validate and use ACS request URL


  5. ACS validation list

    Your PulseWeb login URL, e.g., https://{customer_environment}.nl

  6. Sign Assertion


  7. Sign Response


  8. X509 Certificate


  9. Overwrite Audience


  10. Extra Audience

    Your PulseWeb login URL, e.g., https://{customer_environment}.nl


Select the Next button.

Self service tab

On the Self Service tab, choose whether to generate a Self Service product, which makes the application requestable. Optionally, choose a group to control access to the application.


Select the Next button.

Finish tab

On the Finish tab, select the Save button to add the PulseWeb application to HelloID.

Supplier-side configuration

The HelloID side of the configuration is now finished, but Noordhoff-Health needs to add the connection on their side.

Note that they will need the Metadata URL. To retrieve this value, go to Applications > Applications. Locate your newly-added PulseWeb application and select its Edit link. Right-click the Download metadata button and select Copy link address. This will be in the format https://{customer}{guid}


Send this value to Noordhoff-Health and request that they complete the connection. Contact information is provided below.

Finish up

The PulseWeb application has been added to HelloID, and a trust has been configured between PulseWeb and HelloID. You are now free to assign the application to users within your organization and begin testing it and using it. See Applications - Overview and its related articles for more information.