Source system thresholds

Source system thresholds are configurable "breakpoints" in the Source imports process. They temporarily block imports when data has significantly changed or may be missing, so you can review the situation before the import process continues. They reduce the likelihood of a major error in the provisioning process if your Source systems contain bad or missing data.
To get started, Set thresholds.
Source system thresholds can be configured to trigger Blocked imports when any of the following exceed a specified value:
Added persons
Removed persons
Source thresholds are triggered before any Persons are modified. For example, if an addition threshold is set to 10 persons but 30 new persons are present in an import, zero persons will be added (rather than 10 being added and the remaining 20 being blocked). No persons are modified until you Resolve a blocked import.
Source thresholds operate on an all-or-nothing basis. If a single type of threshold is exceeded, the entire import is blocked. This is different than target thresholds, which may block an enforcement only partially.
Thresholds can be specified in absolute (count) or relative (percentage) terms, and are triggered on an equal-to-or-greater-than basis. If you set both absolute and relative thresholds, they are evaluated with OR logic.
Also see Thresholds.