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Approval workflow settings reference
General tab (approval workflows)

The name of the approval workflow.


Enabled approval workflows are available to assign to Products. Disabled approval workflows are not. (If a workflow has already been assigned to one or more products and is subsequently disabled, it will continue to work for those products even while disabled.)


The current default approval workflow is un-defaulted, and this approval workflow will be selected by default for all new products.

Send Default Emails

HelloID will send an email to each designated responder when Product request notifications are sent. Only one email is sent per specified approver (unless you have allowed manual reminder emails on the Reminder tab (approval workflows)).


Additionally, if a product has a time limit enabled, this setting will cause HelloID to send two additional reminder emails related to the time limit. See Set a time limit.


Disable this toggle if you instead plan to create your own email actions using Product tasks.

Hide Email Approve Buttons

Hide the Approve and Deny buttons in product request email notifications, so approvers are required to click through to the HelloID portal to approve product requests.

Notify The Requester

HelloID will send an email to the requesting user when the product request is approved or denied. If the request was submitted on behalf of a user by a manager, the manager will also receive a copy of this email.

Approval tab (approval workflows)
Specify Approvers

The Users and/or Groups who will be the Designated responders for Product requests for this product.

Approval Order

The requirements & order in which the designated responders must approve product requests.

Show Anticipated Approvers

Display the Approval Workflow tab when a user requests a product (see Products for users), where the requesting user can view a list of approvals required for their product request.


When disabled, the Approval Workflow tab is hidden.

Requesting User Should Approve

If the requesting user is a designated responder, require the user to approve their own product request.

Approve Comment Required

Require designated responders to write a comment when they approve a product request.

Deny Comment Required

Require designated responders to write a comment when they deny a product request.

Automatic Action Enabled

Automatically approve or deny a product request if a given duration passes without a sufficient response by designated responders according to the Approval Order.

Reminder tab (approval workflows)
Reminder Enabled

Show a Send Reminder button to users when they View products and requests. This allows the requesting user to send reminder emails to the workflow's Designated responders.

Reminder Timeout

How frequently the requesting user can send a reminder email.

Products tab (approval workflows)

A list of Products currently configured with this approval workflow.