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Iteration (Azure AD target systems)

The Iteration variable is available in Complex mappings. It is an integer that starts at 0 and counts how many times HelloID has run the JavaScript mapping function.

It is relevant when you're using either of the two Uniqueness features, and a complex target mapping generates a collision. When this happens, Iteration is incremented and the script is rerun.

To synchronize Iteration across all complex target mappings in a target system, enable Synchronize Unique Fields.

The maximum number of iterations (retries) per mapped field, per enforcement, is 99.

Typically, your JavaScript code in the complex mapping should convert Iteration to a string and append it to the generated value (e.g., connie.van.den.winth becomes connie.van.den.winth1). For example:

function generateSamAccountName() {
    const suffix = Iteration === 0 ? '' : Iteration;

    let firstName = Person.Name.NickName;
    let middleName = Person.Name.FamilyNamePrefix;
    let lastName = Person.Name.FamilyName;

    let mailNickname = firstName + '.';
    //Check if the middleName variable contains data
    if (typeof middleName !== 'undefined' && middleName) { mailNickname = mailNickname + middleName.replace(/\s+/g, '.') + '.' }
    mailNickname = mailNickname + lastName;

    //Remove blank chars
    mailNickname = mailNickname.replace(/\s/g,'');

    //Convert to lower case
    mailNickname = mailNickname.toLowerCase();

    //Remove diacritical chars
    mailNickname = deleteDiacriticalMarks(mailNickname);

    mailNickname = mailNickname + suffix;

    return mailNickname;
