Toxic combination
This feature requires a Governance module license. For more information see Governance.
A toxic combination refers to a set of permissions or roles that, when granted together to a single user, could lead to a potential security risk. These combinations can enable unauthorized access, fraud, data breaches, or other malicious activities, for example.
Follow the steps below to configure a toxic combination.
1. Click on the Provisioning icon in the top menu bar of the HelloID admin dashboard.
2. From the Provisioning dashboard, go to: Business > Rules.
3. Click on the Toxic policy button located at the top right corner of the page.

4. Click on the+ sign to create a new Toxic combination.

5. The following configuration options are available for use when creating a toxic combination.
Option | Description |
Name | Provide a logical name to identify the toxic combination. |
Description | Provide a logical description for the toxic combination. |
Enabled | When enabled, the toxic combination will be applied during the next evaluation and enforcement. |
Input entitlements |
Output entitlements |
The configuration settings will be saved automatically.
There will be no order of importance applied to toxic combinations, so multiple toxic combinations can be configured inside the toxic policy, but the order of the combinations is not important.
Example: multiple Office365 conflicting licensing plans
In certain situations it would be nice to configure which permission should overrule another if both of these permissions are granted. This is because there could be a conflict between two permissions.
Most of the time only a single license should be granted to a person because assigning duplicate licenses will be more expensive.
For example, in Office365, licenses could be granted based on business rules scoped to the department attribute of a persons contract. In some cases, due to multiple contracts, a person could end up qualifying for a license in different business rules, where the first business rule grants the E1 license and the other business rule grants the E3 license. In this specific case the end user will receive both licenses which isn't desirable.
In our example below, we have an E3 license which grants more applications than a default E1 license. Therefore we want to make a toxic rule to only assign the E3 license when both licenses, E3 and E1, are granted based on the business rules. Or in case the E1 license (entitlement) is already granted and the E3 should be granted, we would like to revoke the E1 license and grant the E3 license instead.
Example Office365 configuration
1. Click on the Provisioning icon in the top menu bar of the HelloID admin dashboard.
2. From the Provisioning dashboard, go to: Business > Rules.
3. Click on the Toxic policy button located at the top right corner of the page.
4. Click on the + sign to create a new Toxic combination.
5. Name your combination "Office 365 Toxic combination".
6. Make sure the Toxic combination is enabled.
7. Select Office 365 E1 and Office 365 E3 as input entitlements.
8. Select Office 365 E3 as output entitlement.
9. The final result will look as follows:

10. Run an evaluation report to determine the outcome of this toxic combination.