Task: Create or update Google user
G Suite business account
This task will update a user in the G Suite environment.
If the user does not exist yet, the user will be created.
Based on the filled in variables, different attributes of the user will be updated.
Name | Description | Type | Example | Comment |
Email Address | The username/Email Address of the user account which you want to create or update. | String | johndoe@enyoi.com | When the email address domain (@enyoi.com) is not the same as the Google G-Suite domain name, the primary email address will be set to the Google G-Suite domain. The email address that’s filled in at user creation, will be set as a secondary email address. |
First Name | When filled in, the first name of the user will be updated. | String | John | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
Last Name | When filled in, the last name of the user will be updated. | String | Doe | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
Password | When filled in, the password of the user will be updated. | String | N3WP@ssW0rd | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
Primary email address | When filled in, the primary email address of the user will be updated. | String | johndoe@{googledomain.com} | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
Secondary email address | When filled in, the secondary email address of the user will be updated. | String | johndoe@{private.com} | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
Manager | When filled in, the manager of the user will be updated. | String | JaneDoe@{googledomain.com} | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
Department | When filled in, the department of the user will be updated. | String | Manager | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
External ID | When filled in, the external id of the user will be updated. | String | 01 | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
Jobtitle | When filled in, the jobtitle of the user will be updated. | String | Manager | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
Organizational Unit | When filled in, the organizational unit of the user will be updated. | String | Managers | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
ChangePasswordAtNextLogin | When set to 'True' the password needs to be changed at login | Boolean | True | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
IncludeInGlobalAddressList | When set to 'True' the user will be included in the global address list. | Boolean | True | Only fill in if you want to update this field of the user |
Disabled | When filled in, the user will be created and disabled. | Boolean | True | Only set this value to true if you want to disable the user account. |