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Troubleshoot an Active Directory target system

This article explains common error messages in Microsoft Active Directory target systems.

  • Failed to create account with username ***** and display name ***** in container ***** | System.Exception: A device attached to the system is not functioning.

    The sAMAccountName exceeded its max length of 20 characters. Add logic in the target attribute mapping to cap the length of this string.

  • Failed to create account for ***** System.Exception: Failed to create account for reason: Cannot create folder with path "*****", it already exists.

    The home directory already exists. Remove the home directory and retry the entitlement grant.

  • Failed to create account for ***** System.Exception: Failed to create account with username ***** in container | System.Exception: The server is unwilling to process the request. (0x80072035).

    The password does not meet Active Directory's complexity requirements. Check that it is not blank and meets the requirements.

  • Failed to create account for ***** System.Exception: Failed to create account with username ***** and display name ***** in container ***** | System.Exception: The object already exists.

    A duplicate account already exists, and HelloID couldn't generate a unique name to create a new account. Update your complex mappings for the sAMAccountNameuserPrincipalName, and commonName mappings so they generate unique values.

  • Failed to create account for ***** System.Exception: Access is denied.

    The Windows account running the Provisioning Agent does not have permission to create new users in the selected OU. Update its permissions.

    Or, the HelloID service account, configured with the default "Account operators" permissions, cannot modify the AD account; for example, when a person was correlated with an AD account that has been part of an administrator group. Edit the AD account's properties in Active Directory Users and Computers (with Advanced Features enabled in the View menu):

    1. On the Attribute Editor tab, set the adminCount attribute to 0.

    2. Enable permission inheritance on the account: on the Security tab, click Advanced, then Enable Inheritance.

    3. Retry the entitlement in HelloID or start a new enforcement. If the error persists, set adminCount to 0 again and restore the default permissions for the AD account: on the Security tab, click Advanced, then Restore defaults.

  • Failed to create account for ***** System.Exception: Failed to create account because there was an error while mapping | System.Exception: Could not execute the mapping for field AdditionalFields.userPrincipalName for person '*****'. Field AdditionalFields.userPrincipalName is not unique and mapping mode is 'field'.

    Active Directory requires a unique userPrincipalName. Configure the userPrincipalName as a complex type mapping and write logic to generate a unique value.

  • Failed to create account for ***** System.Exception: Setting the value of one or more updated attributes failed for user: "" | System.Exception: Access is denied.

    The Windows account running the Provisioning Agent has permission to create new users, but failed to set a specific attribute value. Update the specific attributes' permissions in your Active Directory delegation of control.

  • Failed to create account for ***** System.Exception: Failed to create account because there was an error while mapping | System.Exception: Max iterations (100) reached for uniqueness check.

    At least one target attribute mapping failed to generate a unique value within 100 iterations. Usually caused by a max length constraint which is removing the iterator variable. Update the fields' complex mappings so they generate unique values.

  • Failed to create account for ***** System.Exception: Failed to create account with username ***** and display name ***** in container ***** | System.Exception: Error creating mailbox: Success: False LogMessages: [ - 16-8-2021 01:20:16 [Error] Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'PrimarySmtpAddress'. Cannot convert value "*****" to type "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.SmtpAddress". Error: "You can't forward email to "*****" because the address format isn't correct. Please enter an email address with this format: user name, the @ sign, followed by the domain name. For example, or"

    A mailbox could not be created for the user. Ensure the complex mapping logic for the Proxy Addresses generates a properly formatted and valid smtp address.

  • Failed to create account for ***** System.Exception: Failed to create account with username ***** and display name ***** in container ***** | System.Exception: The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements. (0x800708C5).

    The mapped password has a value, but does not meet Active Directory's complexity requirements. Update its mapping so that it meets the requirements.