Service Automation variables
In Service Automation Tasks and PowerShell scripts, three types of variables are available:
Service Automation-specific variables. For example, user attributes of the requesting user in a product request, or data from fields in the request's attached dynamic form. See Service Automation variable reference.
Use variables in Service Automation
See the following articles for examples of using SA-specific, system, and custom variables:
Service Automation variable reference
An array that contains one object per designated responder (see Designated responders) that responded to the current product request (see Product requests).
To log $approvalHistory, use $approvalHistory | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
Object type | Available? |
Pre-defined scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
Pre-defined product tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell data sources | No ❌ |
Delegated form PowerShell scripts | No ❌ |
- approved
Whether the designated responder approved (true) or denied (false) the product request.
- time
The time & date the request was responded to.
- user
A User object for the designated responder who responded to the product request.
- comment
The comment that the designated responder entered when responding to the product request.
- order
Indicates which response this is, if the approval workflow specifies more than one designated responder. Counts up starting at 0. For example, 0 means they were the first designated responder. 1 means they were the second designated responder.
"approved": "True",
"time": "2023-08-15T17:36:27.253",
"user": {
"userGUID": "d27dbf41-7770-4cef-9657-17e470f5945c",
"userName": "jdoe",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"fullName": "John Doe",
"contactEmail": "",
"source": "Local",
"immutableId": "",
"userAttributes": {
"language": "EN",
"phonenumber": "5555555555"
"createdOn": "2023-02-22T19:34:12.943",
"managedByUserGUID": "bc61948e-2a84-41fa-9b2a-4d5e94e319db",
"managedByGroupGUID": "",
"isEnabled": "True"
"comment": "This is approved",
"order": "0"
"approved": "False",
"time": "2023-08-15T17:36:50.4",
"user": {
"userGUID": "bc61948e-2a84-41fa-9b2a-4d5e94e319db",
"userName": "Administrator",
"firstName": "Administrator",
"lastName": "",
"fullName": "Administrator",
"contactEmail": "",
"source": "Local",
"immutableId": "",
"userAttributes": {
"department": "IT",
"phonenumber": "",
"language": "EN",
"privateEmail": ""
"createdOn": "2021-10-26T19:05:37.833",
"managedByUserGUID": "d8b1fa6d-56f5-4dab-a9c3-7b440461d681",
"managedByGroupGUID": "",
"isEnabled": "True"
"comment": "This is denied",
"order": "1"
An object that contains the form submission for the dynamic form attached to the current product or delegated form.
Object type | Available? |
Pre-defined scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
Pre-defined product tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell data sources | No ❌ |
Delegated form PowerShell scripts | Yes ✔️ |
The name of each property in this object is the form element's Form Key.
"dropDown": "Option 2",
"dateTime": "2022-06-07T18:40:20.949Z",
"multiCheckbox": [
"label": "Option 1",
"value": true,
"mustBeTrue": false
"label": "Option 2",
"value": false,
"mustBeTrue": false
"label": "Option 3",
"value": true,
"mustBeTrue": false
"textDatasource": "Text value returned from PowerShell datasource",
"dropDown1": {
"a": "A dropdown value, returned from a second PowerShell datasource",
"b": "Another dropdown value, returned from a second PowerShell datasource"
A User object for the requesting user's manager (see Managers).
Object type | Available? |
Pre-defined scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
Pre-defined product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell data sources | No ❌ |
Delegated form PowerShell scripts | No ❌ |
An object that contains information about the requested product.
Object type | Available? |
Pre-defined scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
Pre-defined product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell data sources | No ❌ |
Delegated form PowerShell scripts | No ❌ |
- productGUID
The GUID that HelloID automatically generated & assigned to the product when it was created. Visible in the product's URL when you Edit a product.
- name
The product's Name.
- description
The product's Description.
- code
The product's SKU.
- sourceIdentifier
The product's Source Identifier.
- resourceOwnerGroupGUID
The GUID of the group selected in the product's Resource Owner setting.
- dynamicFormGUID
The GUID of the dynamic form attached to the product's Form tab. (This form is accessible via $form.)
- allowMultipleRequests
The product's Multiple Requests setting.
- maxCount
The product's Maximum Account setting.
- ownershipMaxDuration
The product's Ownership Duration, if the product has a time limit.
- useFaIcon
The product's Type Of Icon setting.
- faIcon
The name of the product's FA icon, if the Type Of Icon is set to Use Predefined Icon.
- icon
The file name of the product's custom icon, if the Type Of Icon is set to Use Custom Icon.
- riskFactor
The product's Risk Factor Enabled setting.
- price
The product's Price setting.
"productGUID": "e77ec7ed-59ad-4d62-9711-7989d10c6fa1",
"name": "Google Chrome",
"description": "",
"code": "20221205YVZKPPRRKZ",
"sourceIdentifier": "",
"resourceOwnerGroupGUID": "0af6fee0-16a6-4b92-9027-6dc598c92c56",
"dynamicFormGUID": "a8e3dacf-cbc8-4977-908d-17fd7d18f552",
"allowMultipleRequests": "True",
"maxCount": "",
"ownershipMaxDuration": "0",
"useFaIcon": "False",
"faIcon": "",
"icon": "BEF0A68FE0F5083F45659D2961D1ADA1",
"riskFactor": "",
"price": ""
An object that contains information about the current product request.
Object type | Available? |
Pre-defined scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
Pre-defined product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell data sources | No ❌ |
Delegated form PowerShell scripts | No ❌ |
- requestId
The GUID that HelloID automatically generated for this product request when it was submitted.
- comment
The comment entered by the user who submitted this product request.
- requestTime
The date & time the product was requested, according to the Time Zone setting in Company settings.
- requestedFor
A User object for the user that this product was requested for.
Usually the same as the user that the product was requested by, but may be different if the product was requested via the Request a product on behalf or Request an owned product on behalf process.
- requestedBy
The User object for the user who submitted this product request.
- ReturnedBy
A User object for the user who returned the product associated with this product request.
- returnComment
The comment entered by the user who returned the product associated with this product request.
- ReturnTime
The time that the product was returned.
"requestId": "d99edbe1-e672-496c-9faf-9e581bf21bb1",
"comment": "",
"requestTime": "2023-08-15T18:02:53.793",
"requestedFor": {
"userGUID": "0854cd61-4c72-45d6-8441-329d5370067e",
"userName": "tsmith",
"firstName": "Tom",
"lastName": "Smith",
"fullName": "Tom Smith",
"contactEmail": "",
"source": "Local",
"immutableId": "",
"userAttributes": {
"phonenumber": "5555555555",
"language": "EN"
"createdOn": "2022-10-21T21:56:08.477",
"managedByUserGUID": "d27dbf41-7770-4cef-9657-17e470f5945c",
"managedByGroupGUID": "",
"isEnabled": "True"
"requestedBy": {
"userGUID": "0854cd61-4c72-45d6-8441-329d5370067e",
"userName": "tsmith",
"firstName": "Tom",
"lastName": "Smith",
"fullName": "Tom Smith",
"contactEmail": "",
"source": "Local",
"immutableId": "",
"userAttributes": {
"phonenumber": "5555555555",
"language": "EN"
"createdOn": "2022-10-21T21:56:08.477",
"managedByUserGUID": "d27dbf41-7770-4cef-9657-17e470f5945c",
"managedByGroupGUID": "",
"isEnabled": "True"
"returnedBy": "",
"returnComment": "",
"returnTime": ""
A User object for the user who submitted the current product request or delegated form.
Object type | Available? |
Pre-defined scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
Pre-defined product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell data sources | Yes ✔️ |
Delegated form PowerShell scripts | Yes ✔️ |
A User object for the user who the product was requested for.
Usually the same as the user that the product was requested by, but may be different if the product was requested via the Request a product on behalf or Request an owned product on behalf process.
Object type | Available? |
Pre-defined scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
Pre-defined product tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell data sources | Yes ✔️ |
Delegated form PowerShell scripts | No ❌ |
Only available in pre-defined product tasks (see Add a pre-defined product task). In other tasks & scripts, instead use $product.resourceOwnerGroupGUID.
Object type | Available? |
Pre-defined scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
Pre-defined product tasks | Yes ✔️ |
PowerShell scheduled tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell product tasks | No ❌ |
PowerShell data sources | No ❌ |
Delegated form PowerShell scripts | No ❌ |
- name
The name of the group selected in the product's Resource Owner setting.
- groupGUID
The GUID of the group selected in the product's Resource Owner setting.
"name": "Admins",
"groupGUID": "0af6fee0-16a6-4b92-9027-6dc598c92c56"
An object that contains the data of a HelloID user. See Users.
The $approvalHistory, $manager, $request, $requester, and $requestedFor variables contain user objects.
- userGUID
The GUID that HelloID automatically generated & assigned to the user when it was created. Visible in the URL when you Edit a user.
- userName
The user's Username.
- firstName
The user's First Name.
- lastName
The user's Last Name.
- fullName
The user's First Name + Last Name.
- contactEmail
The user's Email.
- source
The user's Source field.
- immutableId
- userAttributes
The user's Custom user attributes.
- createdOn
The date & time the user was created.
- managedByUserGUID
The GUID of the user's Manager.
- managedByGroupGUID
- isEnabled
The user's Enabled setting.
"userGUID": "d27dbf41-7770-4cef-9657-17e470f5945c",
"userName": "jdoe",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"fullName": "John Doe",
"contactEmail": "",
"source": "Local",
"immutableId": "",
"userAttributes": {
"language": "EN",
"phonenumber": "5555555555"
"createdOn": "2023-02-22T19:34:12.943",
"managedByUserGUID": "bc61948e-2a84-41fa-9b2a-4d5e94e319db",
"managedByGroupGUID": "",
"isEnabled": "True"