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Form designer reference

  1. Form name

  2. Search and filter available form elements

  3. Form elements available to insert into the form workspace

  4. Form workspace

  5. Convert to/from multistep form

  6. Switch to/from JSON editor & form preview

JSON editor & form preview
  1. Form Definition: Use the JSON editor to directly edit the form's definition. You can easily back up a form by clicking Copy Form Definition and saving the JSON to a local file.

  2. Form Preview: Test your form. The Form Result is updated in real time.

  3. Form Result: The JSON that is returned when the form is submitted in the Form Preview. Use the Copy Form Result feature to Generate test JSON.

Multistep forms

A multistep form splits the form workspace into multiple pages, each of which contains form elements. When a user fills out a multistep form, the user can navigate between pages using Next and Previous buttons.