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Add, edit, or remove an approval workflow

For more information, see Approval workflows.

Add an approval workflow


See the Approval workflow settings reference for a full list of configuration options.

  1. Go to Self Service > Approval Workflows.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Enter a Name.

  4. Optional: Enable the Default toggle to set this approval workflow as the default for all new products (see Set the default approval workflow).

  5. Go to the Approval tab.

  6. Add Users and/or Groups to the list of Designated responders, using the Specify Approvers user scope filter.

    For detailed instructions, see User scope filters.

  7. Set the Approval Order. These options refer to the users and/or groups you specified as designated responders.

  8. Optional: Go to the Reminder tab.

    1. Enable the Reminder Enabled toggle to let the requesting user send reminder emails to the designated responders.

  9. Click Save.

Your custom approval workflow has been created. To use it, Set a product's approval workflow.

  1. Go to Self Service > Approval Workflows.

  2. For the relevant approval workflow, click Edit.

  3. Continue by following the instructions in Add an approval workflow.


If the approval workflow you want to delete is the current default workflow, you must first set a different approval workflow as the default. See Set the default approval workflow.

  1. Go to Self Service > Approval Workflows.

  2. For the relevant approval workflow, click Delete.

  3. To confirm, click Delete.

All Products currently using this approval workflow are re-configured to use the current default approval workflow.